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Leading Forex Trading & Stock Market Charting Platform

Magnise became a valuable and reliable partner for our customer’s in-house team in
developing an innovative cloud-based trading software, which included charting
instruments & analytics data

#Trading #FinTech
Forex Trading

Customer Profile

Our Customer is a trading company, providing cutting-edge solutions for traders all over the world. The solutions provided always aim to maximize profit at the forex, stock & cryptocurrency markets.


Our customer was struggling to create a trading solution as a one-stop platform for traders. Traders are reluctant to use several tools and systems, as it reduces efficiency when trying to stay ahead of trends. So our biggest challenge was to integrate charting, trading, social-networking, & forecast capabilities into a single solution.


Project Implementation

  • Custom Trading Software Development
  • Forex Software Development
  • Stock Software Development
  • High Speed Trading Software Development
  • Algorithmic Trading Platform Software Development
  • Desktop Trading Platform Development
  • Trading App Development


We developed a leading forex trading & stock market charting cloud-based software, to help traders maximize income.

The platform gives traders the opportunity to view Stock & Forex data through innovative charting instruments, and permanently have access to smart analytics on market indicators, and perform real-time trades in multiple markets.


Within the platform development scope, Magnise engineers managed to build a wide range of trading modules & features, including: Trading Strategy, Financial Widgets, Technical Indicators, Trading Risk Management Software, Market Surveillance Software, and a Matching Engine Software.

Technology we used:

Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology

System Overview in Numbers

70 k

registered users


always online


brokers connected

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